
Action research – Map

Action research is a progressive and reflective problem-solving process led by individuals working with others in teams. It combines collaborative problem-solving with data-driven collaborative analysis or research. Action research provides a better understanding of underlying causes enabling better management of personal and organizational changes. We propose this action research map:

Action plan



Vision - Veterinary Educational and Collaborative Network

Bridging the Gap between Traditional and High-Performing Technology-Enhanced Education - Is Easier Than It Sounds

Benefits and Independence. We have an opportunity to leverage veterinary education and gain all the major benefits educational technology provides today, while allowing each school or each department to have absolute independence and control over its local settings. The benefits are tremendous:

  1. Increased quality of learning outcomes;
  2. Broader access to education;
  3. Improved return on investment;
  4. Reduced costs;
  5. Improved student and staff IT skills;
  6. Increased global collaboration and super-intensive content/course production;
  7. Supported up-to-date pedagogical approaches.

Read more: Vision - Veterinary Educational and Collaborative Network


Executive Summary

The time has come. There is a strong consensus that we have to take significant steps “to ensure that veterinary medical education meets the needs of our changing society.”  The North American Veterinary Medical Education Consortium is preparing an ambitious action plan to make this happen.

Tools to make it happen. While preparing, promoting and producing these important changes, the following tools may be helpful:

  • A strong, up-to-date, easy -to-use technological framework;
  • Up-to-date collaborative practices that can significantly improve collaboration outcomes while saving  time;
  • Business models that will make such change sustainable.

Up-to-date models. Researchers suggest that we need up-to-date models to create outstanding results in the Web 2.0 era. We should not rely on traditional business and collaborative models from “the Pre-Web 2.0 Era.” Those tools were created for the pre-Internet world and cannot deliver the desired results in 2011.

Read more: Executive Summary



Customizable collaborative framework. Which position is best for your organization? What about your students?Veterinary leaders have been constantly investing in the future of veterinary education. Over the last 30 years, more than seven national studies on the future of veterinary education and many more action plans have been conducted.  Those efforts are culminating now with the most comprehensive effort ever undertaken: The North American Veterinary Medical Education Consortium (NAVMEC), launched in 2009, and the action plan the Consortium is preparing.

Read more: Introduction


Proposal – Preliminary Action Plan

To start development of a collaborative educational network, we propose these actions (act now and commit to fine-tuning and midcourse corrections as we go):

Read more: Proposal – Preliminary Action Plan


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